@Original Author: Netflix Factory
-anyfans※※Focus on European and American action science fiction blockbusters
“In the 1940s, the war of war of Nazi and its evil axes burned all corners of the world. Steve Rogers (Chris Evans, Chris Evans), who lives in Brooklyn, is heartbroken and kills the enemy with all his heart, but his bad physique has always been rejected by the recruitment. Occasionally, with the help of German scientist Dr. Stanley Tucci, the little boy was able to enter the barracks and accepted the doctoral test, and became a super soldiers who were tall and strong. At the same time, John Schmidt (Hugo Weaving), the leader of the German Nazi Red Skeleton Force, rely on supernatural power to build a super team to try to dominate the world.
In order to rescue friends, Steve broke into Schmid’s military camp with the image of Captain America.”
上世紀40年代,納粹及其邪惡軸心的戰火燒遍世界各個角落。居住在布魯克林的小個子史蒂夫·羅格斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 飾)心系國家,一心上陣殺敵,可是糟糕的體格讓他始終被徵兵辦拒之門外。偶然的機會,在德籍科學家厄斯金博士(Stanley Tucci 飾)的幫助下,這個小個子男孩得以走入兵營,並接受了博士的試驗,化身成為高大健壯、膂力過人的超級戰士。與此同時,德國納粹紅骷髏部隊的首領約翰·施密特(雨果·維文 Hugo Weaving 飾)依靠超自然的力量建立起一支超級戰隊,企圖稱霸全世界。